Haggis & Penguins Travel Bug Race

The Haggis and Penguins TB Race started on July 25th 2009, in Northumberland, United Kingdom, and there are 20 Travel Bugs in the race.

The race will finish on July 24th 2010 (midnight) and the winner will be the Travel Bug which has travelled the most miles.

Please move on any of the Travel Bugs that you find as quickly as possible.

Thank you for helping our race.

The Penguins

BellisClan broadsword G Force Hollys Hikers JackieC

Magpie15 Ragnost robot197 Us 4 and Jess The Essex Girl!!

The Haggis

allieballie coolCal FeverPitch geoarab Maisie

Marmal RainingMeg SilverKnees Team Incredible Will & woofs

As an added bonus, follow Maisie on her blog
Profile for d-dixon